
Rev. Dr. Amali Anbarasi


Secretary's Message

The fact that St. Charles College of Arts and Science has been tended from its very inception by me being a member of the Eastern Province of the sisters of St. Charles Borromeo, gives me more reason to feel glad that it is steadily growing in all aspects. The number of people who share the joy of having worked for its foundation and enabled its growth are remembered gratefully.  The perspective of founding this College in a rural zone clarifies the vision of the institution while giving a clear direction for its mission of reaching out to the ‘fringes’ in search of the marginalized. Our Patron St. Charles Borromeo was very certain about the truth that Education is the means for transformation and our founder Fr. Adrien Bresy fulfilled the aspirations of the Patron through the Congregation he founded and he added his charism by making education accessible to the rural poor. In our enthusiasm to give life to the Charism that is handed over to us, we intend to bring genuine compassion and new hope to the poor by empowering young men and women with knowledge, skill, and guidance to acquire Wisdom- the ultimate search of everyone.
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