
Sr Mary Queen


Provincials Message

The Arts and Science college at Eraiyur prepares the students as saplings of entrepreneurs, path finders and leaders in the society. This college offers the education to shape up the whole person in head, heart and hand with critical thinking. Students are invited to this temple of learning to grow in knowledge and wisdom. St.Charles Arts and Science college is the salt and light of students life. It includes formation in values and attitudes, in addition to academic excellence. In the words of hiruvalluvar, water will flow from a well, in proportion to the depth to which it is dug. Similarly, knowledge and wisdom will flow from an individual in proportion to his/her learning. This learning is a continuous process. The more we learn, the more we gain knowledge. When we apply this knowledge, we gain experience culminating in wisdom.

All the best dear students in your studies and formation now and later in your service to the nation and the world.

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