Admission Rules And Regulations

Admission Rules And Regulations

Admission and Withdrawal

  1. Application for admission to the Degree courses must be made in the prescribed form. The forms for UG Courses can be received along with the prospectus from the college office on payment of Rs.200/- respectively.
  2. Application for degree courses should be sent along with the photocopy of the required certificates and a copy of Higher Secondary mark statement attested by a gazetted officer. (Passport size photo).
  3. Candidates should indicate in the application form itself their choice of alternative courses which they wish to study if admission to the desired subject is not available. Otherwise they may fail to gain admission to any course.
  4. Applications without qualifying examination marks and other particulars will not be considered for admission. All admissions are provisional till the University grants recognition to the candidate.
  5. The Principal reserves the right to reject even any provisionally selected candidate without assigning reasons.
  6. Each student of St. Charles College is considered as an individual, endowed with unique talent and character and personality and will be cared for carving her / his career, and she / he enjoys the benefits of such attention enhancement.

Fee Regulations

  1. Students newly admitted will pay their fees fully for the first semester at the time of admission.
  2. Students withdrawing from the course after its start are to pay the entire college fees and other fees of that year.
  3. Only after paying the college fees, students are permitted to pay the examination fees.
  4. Irrespective of scholarship, all fees must be paid on the specified date mentioned in the college calendar.
  5. Students leaving the college during the semester cannot claim the any portion of the fees paid.
  6. For late payment of college fees or examination fees, a fine will be charged Rs.10/-.
  7. Failing to pay college fee within thirty days from the start of the semester by a student will lead to removal of his/her name from the roll.
  8. Bonafide certificate to be submitted officially to the Government, banks, educational departments and NGOS shall be obtained from the college on the second day from the date of submission of the application by paying Rs.30/ towards administration and processing fees.
  9. Photocopying of certificates within the college campus that is left with college, requires a security fee Rs. 100/ and a letter of request to be submitted to the principal and Rs.80/ will be reimbursed once the original certificates are returned to the college.
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