Exam Pattern

Exam Pattern

  • CIA is a mandatory requirement for all the students.
  • A student is expected to attempt all the three CIA components

CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment) pattern explained as follows, the test will be conducted for theoretical part of the subjects.

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA-I & CIA II) will be conducted for 50 marks, it contains three parts called PART-A,B,C
PART-A (5*2=10) it contains Five questions students are asked to answer All the questions each question carry 2 marks

PART-B (4*5=20) it contains Five questions students are asked to answer any Four questions each question carry 5 marks

PART-B (2*10=20) it contains Three questions students are asked to answer any Two questions each question carry 10 marks.

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA III) will be conducted for 75 Marks, it contains three parts called PART-A,B,C
PART-A (10*2=20) it contains Ten questions students are asked to answer All the questions each question carry 2 marks

PART-B (5*5=25) it contains Five either or based questions students are asked to answer any Five questions each question carry 5 marks

PART-C (3*10=30) it contains Five questions students are asked to answer any Three questions each question carry 10 marks.


CIA Tests & Semester examinations

  • There is no internal minimum for any paper.
  • A student is absent for CIA tests with valid and genuine reasons, and if the student applies for CIA within a week to Principal through the Head of the Department, She / He will be given a chance to write CIA retest. When Principal gives permission, the HOD will make arrangements for conducting CIA retest.
  • No CIA improvement examination will be conducted.
  • For all UG courses, the Pass minimum is 30 Marks out of 75 in the external examination and 10 Marks out of 25 in the internal examination. 40 Marks out of 100 in aggregate.
  • At the end of the semester, exam for practical papers will be conducted. The pass minimum is 16 out of 40 in the internal examination, and 24 Marks out of 60 in the external practical examination.
  • Internal examinations all conducted for three hours duration as Mid – Semester and End – Semester examinations.
  • External Examination will be of three hours duration for all the theory papers. As per university norms

Other Modes of Internal Assessment

  • Quiz announced / unannounced.
  • Individual Viva or group Viva.
  • Short duration objective type tests / snap tests.
  • Short answer / problem solving tests (15 minutes to 30 minutes for periodical assessment of cognitive abilities).
  • Long answer tests / essay writing (30 minutes to be minutes for periodical assessment of higher order cognitive abilities).
  • Guided individual / group projects (only for a few talented students).
  • Lab, field / practical work / case study (to assessment practical skills in handling instruments, experiments reporting, etc. )
  • Group discussion (once in a month to assessment originality, creativity, initiative, communication skills, etc.)
  • Seminar
  • Assignment.
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